Please reach out with any thoughts or ideas you may have. I’d be delighted to work with you to see how I can best serve your needs.

Below are a few examples of what Keith can preach, teach, or speak about:


Classes ~ Talks ~ Seminars

    • Hospital Chaplaincy: A Basic Introduction

    • Clinical Pastoral Education: A General Introduction and What to Expect

    • Grief & Loss

    • Trauma Informed Spiritual Care

    • Existentialism, Humanism, and Spirituality in Hospital Chaplaincy

    • Pain, Suffering, and the "Why Me?” Question

    • Orientation, Disorientation, Re-Orientation (Transformative Learning in Chaplaincy)

    • “Game Playing Chaplaincy”

    • How to be Present in Another’s Pain

    • Lessons Dying People Taught Me about Living

    • “Bad Chaplain”

Film Screenings

Film Screening and Talk, followed by Q&A (90 Minutes)

Themes: Healthcare chaplaincy, Listening, Caring for the Whole Person, Current State and Future of Healthcare, and more.

G-Ride Title Screen.png

Film Screening and Talk followed by Q&A
(90 Minutes Total)

Addiction/Recovery, Community, Trauma, Spirituality, Meaning, and more

Interactive Workshops

    • Biography as Theology and Group Dynamics (90-120 minutes)

    • Basic Hospital Visitation (90-120 minutes)

      • For Clergy and Laity

      • Religious vs. Spiritual Visits


Example of a Two-Day Weekend Event with Keith

First Event (Friday/Saturday Evening): 

~ Film Screening and Talk, followed by a Q&A with Keith

Second Event (Saturday/Sunday Morning): 

~ Class/Seminar/Didactic

Third Event (Saturday/Sunday Service): 

~ Talk/Sermon: “Stay with Me, I Want to be Alone”

Fourth Event (Saturday/Sunday Afternoon Session): 

~ Class/Seminar/Didactic

Fifth Event (Saturday/Sunday Evening)

~ Film Screening and Talk, followed by a Q&A with Keith